Interview | Success stories - South Africa

Daisy and UBUNYE's Document Management Expertise: Seamless Integration, Superior Results.

Misra Ngonga | April 30, 2024 | 3 mins read


"The biggest advantage of this product is that once we've deployed it, we almost never have to touch it again. It just works that well!"

Sean Van Schalwyk

Head of Software Technical Team




Sean Van Schalwyk

Head of Software Technical Team


"The biggest advantage of this product is that once we've deployed it, we almost never have to touch it again. It just works that well!"

Welcome to our spotlight on Daisy’s remarkable journey in document solutions. In a recent interview, Sean Van Schalwyk, Head of Daisy’s software technical team, shared valuable insights on their focus, market trends, innovative solutions, and successful collaboration with UBUNYE.

1. Daisy’s Role in Document Automation

Our core mission is to automate business processes from start to finish. We handle everything from the initial document capture, whether through scanning or email, to final archival and destruction, ensuring comprehensive automation.

2. Document Solutions Market in South Africa

In South Africa, there’s a significant shift towards digital solutions. Companies realize the growing importance of quick access to documents. This trend is evident in both small businesses and large enterprises. However, many struggle with where to begin. We assist by providing tailored solutions, guiding them through their digital transformation journey.

"We rely heavily on your capture technologies, especially ScannerVision. It’s an exceptional product, boasting a very powerful and useful capture engine. We find it incredibly effective for our needs."

- Sean Van Schalwyk, Head of Software Technical Team, Daisy

3. UBUNYE’s Cutting-Edge Features

UBUNYE’s suite of features is extensive and meets diverse client needs. We particularly value ScannerVision™ for its powerful and reliable document capture. It integrates well with mobile devices, aiding field operations. Additionally, the document management platform, DocVolante, ensures swift and secure document access. UBUNYE’s solutions are robust and versatile, proving invaluable to us.

4. Achievements through UBUNYE Partnership

Two standout projects include deploying a capture tool across 100 branches, handling thousands of scans daily with minimal maintenance, and a mobile capture solution for delivery drivers to manage handwritten notes. These projects highlight the efficiency and reliability of UBUNYE’s solutions, despite minor network connectivity issues.

"We had a client with 100 branches nationwide needing document capture on various devices. We deployed a capture tool to every device, running it countrywide via IP and the Internet. This allowed us to capture thousands of scans daily with minimal configuration and technical effort. Once set up, the process included database lookups, and we’ve barely had to touch it since deployment."

- Sean Van Schalwyk, Head of Software Technical Team, Daisy

5. Exceptional Support from UBUNYE

We needed enhanced cropping features, and UBUNYE responded by upgrading their mobile app. The support was exceptional, involving weekly check-ins and rapid integration of our feedback. This collaboration ensures we can deliver the best service to our clients.

"We had a unique need for cropping functionality that wasn’t yet on your platform. The support from UBUNYE was exceptional. We provided detailed use cases, and your team not only improved the mobile app with the required functionality but also added more features. You followed up weekly, ensured everything ran smoothly, and allowed us to be the first to test and provide feedback. Your team’s assistance in every scenario was outstanding."

- Sean Van Schalwyk, Head of Software Technical Team, Daisy

Daisy’s partnership with UBUNYE has been instrumental in delivering superior document solutions, facilitating seamless operations, and driving digital transformation. UBUNYE’s commitment to innovation and support aligns perfectly with our dedication to excellence, allowing us to set new standards in document management and automation.

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